I study information processing in various physical and biological complex systems using techniques from information theory, statistical physics, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics.
We aim to make mathematical predictions of development in diverse animal models under changing environment by combining embryological as well as molecular experiments, machine learni...
We combine massively parallel perturbation experiments with modelling and machine learning to understand, predict and engineer the fundamental sequence-to-activity encoding functions...
We aim to contribute to the theoretical understanding of how biological systems are able to increase and sustain their complexity along time and space, with a special emphasis in the...
The Sharpe group brings together an interdisciplinary team of biologists, physicists and computer scientists to build multi-scale computer simulations of a paradigm of organogenesis ...
Together with Mafalda Dias, I lead the Probabilistic Machine Learning and Genomics Group at the CRG, where our group develops models of the effect of genetic variation on phenotype.
The goal of the Garcia-Ojalvo lab (Dynamic Systems Biology, UPF) is to understand how the behaviour of living systems (specifically cells and tissues) emerges from the interactions a...
Julia Zeitlinger is a development and computational biologist and a Principal Investigator at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research (Missouri, US).
The Haase Group combines experimental and computational means to understand the complex processes of vascular development and remodeling in human tissue-specific models.
In our group we are aiming at a quantitative understanding of biological systems to an extent that one is able to predict systemic features and with the hope to rational design and m...
We are interested in the relationship between evolution, biological sequences, and molecular phenotype.
We develop probabilistic modelling approaches to understand the effect of g...
Research Fellow, Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Under the supervision of Dr. Nora Martin I am building computational models of genotype-phenotype maps and evolution. Although the effect of selection is widely studied, there remain...
Marcos Nahmad is group leader in the Department of Physiology, Biophysics, and Neurosciences at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) in Mexico City.
Visitor Fellow, Laboratoire de Biologie et Modélisation de la Cellule - ENS de Lyon
Why are individuals different?I address this question using a quantitative systematic approach: I collect, integrate and analyze large-scale -omics especially transcriptomic data, in...
Aging occurs at multiple spatial scales--functional declines visible in molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs and organisms that ultimately cause poor health and death.
I am ICREA research professor (the Catalan Institute for research and Advanced Studies) currently working at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where I'm the head of the Complex Systems L...
Guided by experimental results, I aim to use agent-based simulations including cell differentiation and mechanics to simulate how local cell interactions can give rise to polarized p...
External Associate Fellow, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM)
Bridging scales in biological systems. My aim is to develop computational and mathematical methods that allow us to understand biological behaviour as an emergent property of complex...
The Trivedi group aims to understand the self-organisation of cells, fundamental to metazoan development, through comparative study of embryos and organoids that generate a global co...
Past Fellows, University of California, San Francisco
Zev Gartner, PhD., is a Principal Investigator and a Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).