This October, we will celebrate the second anniversary of the Barcelona Collaboratorium. The Collaboratorium's annual symposium has become a highlight in its scientific programme: the inaugural symposium titled “Programmable Life” in 2022, as well as last year’s symposium “Intelligence: natural, artificial and synthetic”.
Over the last decade, a new wave of excitement has emerged with the rise of deep learning. Many expectations have accompanied these descendants of the early multilayer neural networks developed in the 1990s because of their remarkable ability to find solutions to complex problems beyond human intuition.
La intel·ligència artificial permet l'avenç de la biologia de maneres insospitades gràcies a les tecnologies de modelat i simulació: des de la possibilitat de crear teixits fora de l'organisme fins a la predicció de la salut humana a través de l'anàlisi de variacions genètiques. Però, la realitat coincideix en tots els casos amb la predicció dels models i simulacions de comportament? Vivim en una realitat quantificable? És possible programar la vida?
The Symposium ‘Programmable Life’ kicks-off the Barcelona Collaboratorium for Modelling and Predictive Biology, a new initiative launched by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and EMBL Barcelona, which will be a new space for interaction of computational biology, AI and machine learning – promot