Programmable Life
4-5 October 2022
Download the Book of Abstracts:
The Symposium ‘Programmable Life’ kicks-off the Barcelona Collaboratorium for Modelling and Predictive Biology, a new initiative launched by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and EMBL Barcelona, which will be a new space for interaction of computational biology, AI and machine learning – promoting researchers to collaborate, share ideas and synergize across disciplines and scales. This symposium will gather renowned international researchers in these fields, as well as the scientific community from Barcelona and the rest of Spain.
Day 1 - October 4, 2022
12:00 |
Registration and lunch (PRBB auditorium, Carrer del Dr. Aiguader, 88, 08003 Barcelona, Spain) |
First scientific session. Chair:Ben Lehner CRG, Barcelona |
14:00 |
Presentation of the Barcelona Collaboratorium by Ben Lehner (CRG, Barcelona) and James Sharpe (EMBL Barcelona, Spain) |
14:30 |
Predicting and designing biology using machine learning Deborah Marks Harvard Medical School, USA |
15:10 |
Reprogramming the Genetic Code Jason Chin MRC LMB, UK |
15:50 |
Life as a matter of function Petra Schwille MPI Biochem, Germany |
16:30 |
- coffee break -
17:00 |
Jeremy Gunawardena Harvard University, USA |
17:40 |
Jussi Taipale Helsinki University, Finland |
18:20 |
Poster session |
Day 2 - October 5, 2022
08:30 |
Late registration, PRBB auditorium |
Second scientific session. Chair: Luis Serrano (CRG, Spain) |
09:00 |
Deciphering the genome’s second code by interpretable deep learning Julia Zeitlinger Stowers Institute, USA |
09:40 |
Alejandro Torres-Sanchez EMBL Barcelona, Spain |
10:20 |
Vasculature as a dynamic and complex network by in vitro design Kristina Haase EMBL Barcelona, Spain |
11:00 |
- coffee break -
11:30 |
Zev Gartner UC San Francisco, USA |
12:10 |
Coping with mechanical stress: tissue dynamics during development, homeostasis and repair Yanlan Mao University College London, UK |
12:50 |
- lunch - |
Third scientific session. Chair: James Sharpe (EMBL Barcelona, Spain) |
14:30 |
Alexander Anderson Moffit Cancer Centre, USA |
15:10 |
Katie Bentley Crick Institute, UK |
15:50 |
- coffee break -
16:20 |
Nick Stroustrup CRG, Spain |
17:00 |
Ricard Sole Pompeu Fabra University, Spain |
Call for abstracts
Abstract submission for poster presentation is now open. Please upload the file through the registration form.
General Information
Language: All abstracts must be written in English.
Deadline: abstracts MUST BE RECEIVED no later than September 21st, 2022
Notification of acceptance will be mailed by September 28th, 2022. Only the presenting/first author will receive the email notification of acceptance or rejection, and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract.
Content of the Abstract
Abstracts are limited to 300 words.
Abstracts must contain: title, authors, primary institution, purpose of the study, methods used, summary of the results and conclusion reached.
Abstracts will be published as submitted. Proof and edit your submission accordingly.
Information for poster presenters: The poster space will be 90 x 120 cm (width x height), which corresponds to DIN-A0 VERTICAL layout.
Participants must register before September 26th, 2022.
Registration closed.